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A True Story: How Digitization Saved My Mom’s Poultry Business

My mom is a poultry farmer—a beautiful, successful, and hardworking poultry farmer. May God bless her for me. It was not always like that. Find out the story of her struggles and how she overcame them in the poultry farming business—a true life story.

My name is Ahmed, your typical Gen Z feller. I am not the farmer or the main character of this story, but I learned from the farmer, my mom, as I watched through her struggle and success. I hope the readers can learn from my mom’s wisdom to become successful in their poultry business.

In Nigeria about 2018 when my dad was about to retire and had precisely 3 years up until his retirement then it dawned on my parents that it is indeed time to start preparing for what come’s after retirement cos if you live in Nigeria you know and will agree with me that depending on the so call pension fund the government gives retirees in Nigeria is a sham( meaning you would suffer and regret it if you do) so my mom has ever been the entrepreneur and a lover of animals somehow found her calling THE Poultry Businesses though even ever before that business idea she had her small cage in the housing complex that we stayed where she reared not only house chicken, rabbits, snail, and even catfish though in small quantity which is  just for the house that is where she started to  turn her love for animals specifically birds[the poultry business] into wealth. digitize your business here

The struggle

As in any business, either you learn from other’s mistakes or you learn from your own. My mom was both; fortunately, she had financial backing from our dad, who at that time was still working. Now, this allowed her to learn from setbacks and get back up again. After learning some lessons the hard way, she experienced a loss of capital at first due to a lot of mistakes, so she ran the business at a huge loss. She lost her bird’s life; from 750 birds, she lost 247. At that time, she cried just for the loss of one life because she is a very sensitive person to date she cries, but she learned to cope. However, the losses are minimal compared to before; the economy was not helping (inflation), but the worst of them all was not having customers to buy her birds and eggs after all the wahala(struggle) because she rears birds for selling and birds for egg production. Still, God is good all the time, for all her struggles have started to pay off, and all the knowledge and experiences she gathered have finally started to take form ….digitize your business here

The way out

Though my mom learned from her mistakes and others, one significant running point was when she digitized her poultry businesses. We realized it was as though we were doing things the hard way. For instance, when she wanted to raise birds for sale (broilers), she had to time festivity periods when there was high demand before she could be sure to sell all her birds without running into losses. But with digitization, that was solved because she could raise them anytime and sell them anytime, or when she wanted to raise birds for eggs, the accounting, inventory, order tracking, check, and balance of what was spent and what profit was made at the end of the day were also solved, to mention but a few. 
The point is to take advantage of the internet specifically (business digitization) because buyers are there, sellers are there, retailers are there, and lots more. I don’t know what stage your poultry business is at or what problem digitization can help your business with, but these guys help my mom achieve that, so talk to them and find out how business digitization can help your poultry businesses. This is the 21st century; it’s simply a better way to go about it. You can reach them through this page, and the best thing is that they have a free trial, but it’s for a limited period, so you don’t have to invest your money right away. If you don’t find the services useful, you can come up with something else. digitize your business here

Thank you.

Written by

Ibrahim Danjuma

Content writer/ Digital Marketer


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